Updated: 23 Dec. 2020

This article does not replace a good knowledge of security principles in PHP, but can give you some good advices that really boost security.
There will be nothing to copy/paste straight forward to your PHP files. But we believe that these tips and best practices will bring you long-term benefits if you understand and implement the different points according to your needs and context.

This article is the third of our series dedicated to PHP security. The first article gives you guidelines for PHP configuration, updates, data filtering and sanitization, as well as code organization.
The second article discusses protections against known and common attacks.

We will now take a look at file uploads, CRSF, cookies and security through obscurity.

Updated: 23 Dec. 2020

This article does not replace a good knowledge of security principles in PHP, but can give you some good advices that really boost security.
There will be nothing to copy/paste straight forward to your PHP files. But we believe that these tips and best practices will bring you long-term benefits if you understand and implement the different points according to your needs and context.

This article is the second of our series dedicated to PHP security. The first article “How to Protect Your Website: PHP Security Tips and Tricks #1” gives you basic guidelines for PHP configuration, updates, data filtering and sanitization, as well as code organization.

We will now look at common hacking attacks against PHP websites and how to defend yourself against them.

Updated: 1 Dec. 2020

PHP remains the most popular server-side programming language: it is used by almost 80% of websites (source). This language continues to be developed, and PHP 8 was released last week ! This version brings new features and should enhance security.

However, the security of PHP builds up from its ‘historical’ core features. The following article does not replace a good knowledge of PHP, and there will be nothing to copy/paste directly into your files. But we believe that these tips and best practices will bring you long-term benefits if you understand and implement the different points according to your needs and context.

Today we cover PHP configuration, updates, code organisation and data filtering/escaping.

Updated: 16 Feb. 2021

Logic flaw

Business logic flaws remain a type of little-known vulnerability in IT-Security. They are not errors in the logical reasoning, but flaws related to the working of a web application. They are different from technical vulnerabilities, which directly relate to code, implementation or configuration errors.

We regularly find logic flaws during penetration tests, on all types of applications. We find them most frequently on e-commerce sites and SaaS software.

What is 2FA

Two Factor Authentication (2FA) is a way to strengthen users authentication.
A good example is when you want to trigger a bank transfer from your bank website: depending on your bank, you may receive a text message on your mobile phone, containing a code that you must put back on the website to confirm the transfer.

The second factor can be a phone, a physical object in your possession, some physical characteristic (biometrics) or a secret that only you know.

A 2FA process comes with some disadvantages: it makes the authentication process more complex, and the second factor has to be “available”, which can be a problem with a mobile. Flat battery, bad network coverage or any other hazard can prevent the process from working properly.

The need for web application firewalls

If you don’t perfectly see the difference between a firewall and a web application firewall, I recommend you read this article we published a few weeks ago, explaining the differences: Traditional Firewalls or Web Application Firewalls?
The reality of threats makes web application firewalls a real complementary approach to secure coding practices and security testing.
Global protection against known (and unknown) attacks, virtual patching and security events reporting are real added values.

Traditional firewalls protect IT environments against external attacks, by allowing and blocking connections to certain areas.

These firewalls control incoming and outgoing network traffic, based on a set of rules.

Here is a basic example:
Let’s suppose your company has a web server inside its infrastructure. In order for the web server to be reachable from outside your company, some rules will have to be established to authorize web traffic to and from that server.
Some “ports” will be open, on a given IP address (the one of your server).
Your company can choose to allow web traffic only, or allow other traffic according to its needs.

Sometimes security can represent a heavy investment in terms of web development.
But there are some tiny adjustments that you can implement on your website that will help you making substantial progress in security. In fact these adjustments are really small in terms of code and configuration, but have a significant impact that requires proper analysis and validation before being implemented.
Here is how HTTP headers can help you in your security efforts.

Better than just rewriting technical specifications and explaining all the details of these HTTP headers, we will focus on giving you a synthetic analysis and a list of interesting links you would like to browse if you need further details.
One important thing to keep in mind is that these headers have an impact on the browser side. They control how web browsers must behave (if they implement the corresponding functionalities). They do not modify the server’s behavior.

Some years ago this was a common question: should I conduct a pentest on my website? Today the real question is: how often should I conduct a pentest? This does not only apply to websites but more generally to all applications and software developed with web technologies. Although systems and servers also need security, in this article we will only focus on the application layer, which usually faces a lack of awareness regarding to its breaches.

Web Application Firewalls (commonly referred to as WAF) are mainly designed to protect web applications.
But what exact roles can they play in a web architecture?
Depending on how they are integrated in your web platform, their impact and ability to improve your security will differ.

Using a WAF as an attack mitigation solution

A WAF can be used to analyse inbound and outbound traffic in order to block malicious or dangerous items.

In this configuration, the threat detection engine of the firewall detects suspicious inbound traffic and decides to block the request. This means that the request will not reach the web server, and a generic response will be returned to the client.
To decide whether a request is innocuous or malicious, the WAF can use a positive or a negative security model:
The negative security model assumes that all transactions are innocuous, by default. It will look for threat cues and if judged dangerous, block the transaction.
The positive security model, on the other hand, assumes that all transactions can be dangerous and only allows those that are recognized as safe.

Web application firewall

As cybersecurity issues increase, Web application filters and Web Application Firewalls are becoming more popular. These tools can be an excellent first step towards securing your applications. How do they work? What is the difference between them? Please read the following lines for an introduction of this topic.

Filters or WAF: Who’s who?

The first kind of defense is called “Filtering”. Whether implemented as part of a development framework or implemented by the developer himself, filtering is in the end part of the application.
Of course the efficiency of this protection will depend on the awareness of the developers on security and also on their experience in developing secure applications.

The second type of defense is called WAF (Web Application Firewall). This type of product is not to be confused with “usual firewalls”, in the sense that web application firewalls analyse the web traffic and don’t stop at filtering traffic based on a particular port number, address or protocol.
Web application firewalls can be implemented on the web server itself, or in front of the web server (between the end-user and the web server).

Website shield